Streamwalk 2008 and 2009 – Thank you to our volunteers!
In 2008, volunteers inventoried the entire 47 miles of the main branch of the Lamprey River from the headwaters of the Lamprey River in Northwood to the MCClellen Dam in Newmarket. In 2009, volunteers inventoried the North Branch River in Candia and what portions of the Piscassic River that could be reached. Volunteers walked, kayaked, or canoed assigned river sections looking for signs of the health of the river bed and river banks. Volunteers received training and were provided checklists and equipment.
At times, the river is impaired due to E. coli and low dissolved oxygen readings with unknown sources. Through a “find it, fix it” approach, this project will look for areas of significant erosion, patches of invasive species, canopy cover, pipes and culverts and other indices of stream health. Once the inventory is complete, the results will be shared with Town Conservation Commissions. “Fix It” projects will follow.